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The 4-D Organization service helps REALIZE your organizational potential & see through different lenses

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A 4-D organization has 4 optimally aligned dimensions:

S U P P O R T - Line Managers listen and support workers development

E M P O W E R M E N T - Systems & processes empower people to take ownership & responsibility

E N G A G E M E N T - People are actively engaged in all areas of business operations and actively growing

R I S K - R E A S O N I N G - People make decisions holistically, considering internal & external variables

4-D Organization: Services


See through the lens of each role below . . .

Worker with Yellow Helmet

"We all knew the culture was toxic and had always pointed the finger at management; however, I wasn't able to see how my actions negatively affected the culture. 

Having gone through this transformational effort, it's amazing to see how we are all L.I.S.T.E.N.I.N.G. to each other again.  It's how it always should have been!"

Hourly Worker

Line Manufacturing

Construction Site Supervisor

"If I'm honest, I thought this was going to be another 'flavor of the month' program, but it wasn't until I started seeing many of the workers showing more desire to improve things in their area that motivated me to up my game." 

Seeing them as a reflection of my abilities was hard to swallow at first, but we started to work together in ways I didn't expect."

Shift Manager

Line Manufacturing

Construction Manager

"At first, our role was to step back and observe our people using a different lens.  Once we were able to see people's risk-reasoning ability, we saw meaningful ways of engaging them that didn't shut them down.

Believe it or now, the biggest challenge for my operational leadership team was to learn how to not solve the problem for the employees but engage them in the solutioning process.  Once we were able to do this, our culture started changing rapidly."

Plant Manager

Construction Products Manufacturing

Portrait of Businessman

"We all knew there were cultural issues that was preventing the sites from performing; however, we were not able to quantify the sources, much less how to course-correct . . . until we saw our cultures plotted on the 4-D Worker.  

The biggest surprise for me, given my engineering background, was seeing how our systems and processes were performance inhibitors, not enablers, like I had designed and implemented."

Executive Leader

Global Manufacturing

4-D Organization: Testimonials

"We think we listen, but rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy.  Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change I know"

Carl Rogers

4-D Organization: Quote
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The 4-D Worker (c)2021, The 4-D Organization (c)2021, Cultural Performance Consulting, LLC., and its affiliates and assigns and licensors.  
All rights reserved.  ©2021 by Cultural Performance Consulting, LLC

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